Arna Yr: The Grand Controversy Continues

The controversy just won’t end. After posting a ‘clarification video’ on her Instagram, Miss Grand Iceland Arna Yr has suddenly withdrawn from the pageant, leaving a revealing post on her Facebook account… 

Ég ætla að standa uppi fyrir sjálfri mér, öllum konum og íslensku þjóðinni.
Ég ætla ekki að láta segja mér að ég hafi of mikla fitu utaná mér til þess að vera flott uppi á sviði.
Ég er hætt. Ég ætla ekki upp á svið í fegurðarsamkeppninni Miss Grand International.
Yndislegt fólk hafði samband við mig sem ætlar að koma mér heim á morgun, ég er farin af hótelinu og verð annarsstaðar í nótt.
Ég skildi eftir bréf til eigandans og útskýrði hversu fáránleg skilaboð þetta eru.
“If you are going to held an international beauty pageant you at least have to be able to see the international beauty” sagði ég við eiganda keppninnar.
Þetta var ekki misskilningur heldur var mér sagt að segja það og ég sé hrikalega eftir því.
Takk kærlega fyrir stuðninginn! Ég fer heim sem sigurvegari og stoltasti íslendingur í heimi.
P.s. Hælarnir lagðir á hilluna! 😂🇮🇸

I’m going to stand up for myself, all the women and the Icelandic nation. I’m not going to let me say that I have too much fat externally me to be cool on stage.
I stopped. I’m not a range of beauty contest Miss Grand International. Lovely people contacted me who is going to bring me home in the morning, I left the hotel and the price the rest of the night.
I left a letter to the owner and explained how ridiculous this is a message.
“If you are going to do an international beauty pageant you at least have to be able to see the international beauty” I said to the owner of the competition.
This was not a misunderstanding but I was told to say that I’m terribly sorry.
Thanks so much for your support! I go home as a winner and proud Icelander most in the world.
P.S. Pins placed on the shelf! 
– Miss Iceland, Arna Yr.

The controversy first started when she was allegedly called fat by the MGI owner and went to social media to decry the statement. Hours after, she posted a video explaining the issue and now she has left the pageant 2 days before the finals. Allegations that she was asked to lie on the video has now surfaced and in Arna’s message, she clearly illustrates that she was told to apologize on the video.

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